The Alter and Tools "Tools are used to focus the mind and any energy present upon the work that is being done." They help
raise power during a Ritual and/or Magick and Higher Powers. Before using always cleanse, charge and dedicate. They are to
be only used for Magickal, Ritual, religious use. An Alter is a sacred space or table where you worship
and do your magick. A witch’s workbench so to speak. An alter can be indoors or outdoors, and even both. A space where
you can keep out at all times. Even put away in a chest or box for safe keeping. Where you want your sacred space to become
your place to cast a circle. The alter during a ritual circle can be located in the center or north or east areas of the circle.
You can also use the alter together or separate alter for Daily Devotion of you deities. If you use a separate alter for devotion
you can keep it simple with the god/goddess candles and your statues. If you would like. The layout is done as the goddess on the left/West
or female side. The god is on the right/east or male side. The central is both together and keeping the elements in rightful
direction. Some are able to point their alters in the northern direction. Enable the elements and god/goddess to be in the
right direction. Not all of us can do so. So you can just picture which would be north, south, east, and west. You may find
it easier to do so outside. You will notice that the tools that is goddess/god is on the same side as them. The pentacle a
lot of the time is the center piece of the whole alter. Which is the protector and grounding of the sacred space. Tools
Alter Cloths Used as a dressing on the top of your alter. Can be any fabric, and color. You can change
them with each holiday or Ritual. Athame (Pronounced A-tham-ee,A-THame) The athame corresponds to the element of Fire (in some traditions Air),
the direction East and is male in energy. Magickal Knife! Used only for ceremonies, sometimes black handled, made out of wood or metal.
Never used to cut or to be shared (only yours)! A tool to mix salt water or other mixtures in a ritual. An athame is a tool
of direction, casting the circle, evoking the elements. Bell / Triangle, drum/ chimes Can be used to mark the beginning or/end of a working/ritual. Use in Dance, chanting, or
song. Much like Shamans tradition. Bolline ( BOW-Line, bolin) Working knife Use simply for cutting or carve. Used on herbs, wood, cord/string or any thing..
Sometimes a white handle. Book of Shadows BOS Your book of spells and personal Journal ( self, Dream). Information that you need not to
forget. Bowl/bottle of salt water or blessed water This is a premixed salt (male) and water (female). Used to cleanse tools and area. Protection
after casting. Besom/ Broom ( BE-sum, BESOOM) Not for flying! Actually used for cleansing of course or symbolism. Handfasting leaping
into a new life. Older days used for fertility to leap beside the corn to show them how high to grow. Maybe how the whole
flying thing started! Candles Used to represent fire, God, goddess, and sometimes elements. Many colors can be used as
a spell works correspondance. Candle Snuffer to extinguish the candles instead of blowing. To blow is to insult fire and air, as you
are dissipating the energy of one with another. Cauldron represents the female or goddess and water element Direction is centre Used for burning things, scrying with water and silver on bottom, mixing herbs and potions.
Censer, incense/ burner Element of Air and direction of East. heat proof dish of any size for incense (cone, stick, or loose) or dried herbs, charcoal
(use caution burns a lot of smoke). Used for raising power, achieving trace or purifying. Can choose different smell to correspond
with spell or ritual. Crystals and stones Element of Earth Used for healing, Divination, chakra, meditation, and aura. Help in grounding and centering. Chalice or goblet Female and element of water. Direction is West. Used for ritual drinking for the goddess, rituals, or spell making. Also can be used mixing. Divination tools Anything like Tarot card, runes, crystal ball, Pendulum, etc. Helps in decision making,
and used during psychic time of the moon ritual. Mortar and Pestle Use to grind herbs into a fine paste for Magickal working. Music It’s more than a tool! It enhances the moment. Relaxes during a ritual bath or meditation. Helps in raising
power when drumming. One note of caution, don't bring your tape/CD player into the Circle, the energies that
will be raised within the Circle may adversely affect it's performance! It's far better to set it to repeat outside the Circle.
Pentacle/ Pentagram centre or focal point Sometimes element of Earth Many witches like to wear a pentagram. It is a symbol of our religion, but it is also worn
for protection and connection with the elements represented by the five points - Spirit, Air, Water, Earth, Fire. The pentagram
on your altar is the focal point, it is where you place your tools for consecration and conduct your magickal workings. It
is also a tool of meditation, and corresponds to the direction North, the element of Earth and its energy is female. Pray Beads/ Wiccan rosary/ Jewelry /Talismans Can be used as a marking that you self dedicated. Pray beads used with different stones
for Meditation. Smudge stick Used by shamans. Stick used for cleansing during and before a ritual. To drive off negative
energies. Help in healing Statues Used to represent god/goddess, or anything to worship. Can be actual deities, or symbols
of the deities on a rock. Even a remembrance of your familiar that pasted on. A statue can also be used as a focal point during
Meditation. Wand Its element is Air (in some traditions Fire), its direction is South and like the athame,
the wand is female. Same as the athame used calling direction and invoking. Some use as a healing tool. Can
use different wood for different spell working. Practical Ways to make your own tools (Linked from another website)
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